Receive Date: 2025/03/12
Accept Date: 2025/03/12
"Christian Missionary" is considered one of the duties of church. This doctrine is rooted in Jesus' command to his companions. He ordered his companions to go to nations and gave them the glad tidings of Divine Dominion. Therefore, Christians believe that the message of missionary is Divine Dominion. The church must give people the glad tidings until Divine Dominion realizes. Accordingly, Christian society has had missionary activities individually or organizationally. The present paper tries to study the position and limits of missionary in Christian religious texts. Using a descriptive-analytical method, it expounds the concept of missionary, studies its scope and range, and proves that this doctrine has changed over the history. The research findings show that Jesus Christ and his Companions had apparently carried out missionary activities only for Israelites, but the missionary approach extended beyond Israelites since Paul's time.
چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
Title :تبشیر مسیحی؛ خروج از سنت و سیره حضرت عیسی (ع)
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Sane’i , Morteza.(2025) Christian Missionary: Distortion from Jesus Christ's Life and Tradition. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2(4), 71-91
Morteza Sane’i ."Christian Missionary: Distortion from Jesus Christ's Life and Tradition". Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2, 4, 2025, 71-91
Sane’i , M.(2025) 'Christian Missionary: Distortion from Jesus Christ's Life and Tradition', Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2(4), pp. 71-91
Sane’i , M. Christian Missionary: Distortion from Jesus Christ's Life and Tradition. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2025; 2(4): 71-91