Ma`rifat-e Adyan, Volume 1, Issue 2, No 2, Year 2024 , Pages 67-96

    The End of This World and the Hereafter in the View of Judaism and Christianity

    نوع مقاله: 
    Abbas / Resercher Working on the Religion. /
    Eagrness to know one's fate is constituted in man's inherent nature. A review of the history of man's life tells that one of the questions which concerns man at all times is how the end of this world and the life after death will be. When we want to deal with the advent of the promised savior, immortality, death and resurrection, we refer to the "eschatology". This word, which is used to mean the knowledge of the end of Time and how the next world will be, is taken from the Greek word eschatos which means furthest. Judaism, Christianity and Islam say that the end of this world and the beginning of the hereafter is close by. A group of Jews and all Christians think that both the end of this world somehow corresponds with the here-after, whereas a number of Jews and all Muslims believe that they are two separate periods, known as "reappearance age" and "day of judgement". According to the Chritians, the last days of this world are the days in which Jesus reappears, and it will be the birth of a big historic day. On that day, the last decision is made and man will be rewarded or punished for his hergood deeds and evil deeds. So, in Christianity the end of this world corresponds to the day of Judgement. In Islam, the end of the world refers to the time preceding the reappearance of the promised Imam(a.s), and the period of his appearance is a period in which great changes take place. As For the hereafter, it begins with the end of this corporeal world and at that time the Judgemen Day begins. In Judaism, two views are presented: one corresponds to the perspective of Islam and the other to that of Christianity.
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
    Title :آخرالزمان و حیات اخروی در یهودیت و مسیحیت
    شوق آگاهی از سرنوشت، در سرشت آدمی نهاده شده است. با نگرشی کوتاه به تاریخ زندگی بشر درمی یابیم یکی از دغدغه‏های همیشگی انسان، چگونگی فرارسیدن پایان این جهان و حیات پس از مرگ بوده است. برای مباحثی پیرامون آمدن موعود، جاودانگی روح، پایان این جهان و فرارسیدن جهان دیگر، واژة «اسکاتولوژی»1 به کار می رود. این واژه به معنای شناخت آخرالزمان‏ و آخرت، از کلمة «اسکاتوس» یونانی به معنای «آخر» یا «بعد» گرفته شده است. سه دین ابراهیمی یهودیت، مسیحیت و اسلام، از نزدیک بودن آخرالزمان و آخرت سخن گفته‏اند. جمعی از یهودیان و همه مسیحیان، این دو دوره را به گونه‏ای بر هم منطبق می دانند؛ اما جمعی دیگر از یهودیان و همة مسلمانان، آخرالزمان و آخرت و یا به عبارتی، عصر ظهور و روز قیامت را دو دورة جدا از هم می دانند.
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    , Abbas.(2024) The End of This World and the Hereafter in the View of Judaism and Christianity. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 1(2), 67-96


    Abbas ."The End of This World and the Hereafter in the View of Judaism and Christianity". Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 1, 2, 2024, 67-96


    , A.(2024) 'The End of This World and the Hereafter in the View of Judaism and Christianity', Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 1(2), pp. 67-96


    , A. The End of This World and the Hereafter in the View of Judaism and Christianity. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2024; 1(2): 67-96