The present essay presents an analytical approach based on documentation to compare the meaning of asbat in the Qur'an and the meaning it has in the Old and New Testaments. Indications and ample evidence show that most of the views concerning revelation-receiving asbat, especially when applied to prophet Jacob's twelve sons are incorrect, and this can be ascribed to the distortion in the Bible and the effect which the distortion has on Muslim interpreters.
The word asbat refers to some of Jacob's chosen grandsons, who were not only Jacob's descendants but his successors, devotees and spiritual followers as, well. Each of these successors and divine leaders hadreceived a divine message after prophet Yousif and before Moses in Egypt and were living among the children of Israel.
Title :پیامبرانی در مُحاق متون بررسی تحلیلی ـ تطبیقی مفهوم و مصادیق اسباط در قرآن و عهدین
اين مقاله با رويكرد تحليلي و بررسي اسنادي به صورت تطبيقي مفهوم «اسباط» را در قرآن و عهدين بررسي ميكند. دلايل و قراين متعددي نشان ميدهد كه اغلب ديدگاهها درباره اسباط دريافتكنندة وحي، به ويژه تطبيق آنان بر پسران دوازدهگانه حضرت يعقوب ناصواب و ناشي از تحريفات كتاب مقدس و اثرپذيري مفسران مسلمان از آن است. اسباط يادشده، افراد معين و برگزيدهاي از ميان نوادگان حضرت يعقوب بودهاند كه افزون بر استمرار نژادي، به اعتبار جانشيني آن حضرت، مريدان و پيروان معنوي او نيز به شمار ميرفتهاند. اين جانشينان و رهبران الاهي، پس از حضرت يوسف و پيش از حضرت موسي در مصر و ميان بنياسرائيل رسالت داشتهاند.
Asadi, Ali.(2024) Overshadowed Prophets in the Texts; A Comparative Analytical Study of the Meaning and Applications of Asbat in the Qur'an and in the Old and New Tesaments.. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 1(2), 47-66
Ali Asadi."Overshadowed Prophets in the Texts; A Comparative Analytical Study of the Meaning and Applications of Asbat in the Qur'an and in the Old and New Tesaments.". Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 1, 2, 2024, 47-66
Asadi, A.(2024) 'Overshadowed Prophets in the Texts; A Comparative Analytical Study of the Meaning and Applications of Asbat in the Qur'an and in the Old and New Tesaments.', Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 1(2), pp. 47-66
Asadi, A. Overshadowed Prophets in the Texts; A Comparative Analytical Study of the Meaning and Applications of Asbat in the Qur'an and in the Old and New Tesaments.. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2024; 1(2): 47-66