Ma`rifat-e Adyan, Volume 14, Issue 2, No 54, Year 2025 , Pages 59-76

    A Critical Study of Paul's Anthropology; With an Emphasis on the Teachings of the Bible

    Article Type: 
    Abdollah Fathi / Assistant Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute /
    As the most controversial Christian theologian and the second founder of Christian law –as some believe-, Paul has some words about man - and perhaps in the subject of man - which is the basis of his theological thoughts in Christianity; ideas on what is human, the standard of humanity, the characteristics of the soul, choice, human nature, human dignity, etc., which connect Paul's thoughts together like a string. The perception and study of these thoughts has a special role in understanding Paul's Christianity. The author's innovative method to infer from Paul's thoughts is to use his letters to interpret his thoughts (interpretation of Paul's thoughts by Paul himslef); and the Bible’s teachings are used to criticize these ideas, to get an accurate picture of his anthropological thoughts and its criticisms.
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
    Title :بررسی انتقادی انسان‌شناسی پولس؛ با تأکید بر آموزه‌های کتاب مقدس
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    Fathi, Abdollah.(2025) A Critical Study of Paul's Anthropology; With an Emphasis on the Teachings of the Bible. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 14(2), 59-76


    Abdollah Fathi."A Critical Study of Paul's Anthropology; With an Emphasis on the Teachings of the Bible". Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 14, 2, 2025, 59-76


    Fathi, A.(2025) 'A Critical Study of Paul's Anthropology; With an Emphasis on the Teachings of the Bible', Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 14(2), pp. 59-76


    Fathi, A. A Critical Study of Paul's Anthropology; With an Emphasis on the Teachings of the Bible. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2025; 14(2): 59-76