Ma`rifat-e Adyan, Volume 16, Issue 1, No 61, Year 2025 , Pages 118-137

    An Analysis of the Reflection of the Theological Narrative of Jewish Messianism in the Field of Politics

    Article Type: 
    ✍️ Somayyeh Hamidi / Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Birjand /
    Reza Sharifi / MA in Political Science, University of Birjand /
    Hosein Farzanehpour / Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Birjand /
    doi 10.22034/marefateadyan.2024.5000377
    Belief in Messianism is one of the important doctrinal and ideological principles of Judaism and has deep historical roots for the followers of this religion. In their view, Messianism is an anachronistic event that usually reflects marginal movements. This idea has been the source of major social and political uprisings and movements for the Jews, especially in the Middle East. The research mainly deals with the Judaism’s narrative of Messianism and how it is reflected in the field of politics. In their thoughts, Messianism is a theological belief that is rooted in religious and sacred teachings and is both hopeful and alarming. Using the analytical-descriptive method, this article is written within the framework of Agamben's theory. The research results show the reflection of this theological narrative in the political arena in the form of the emergence of Zionist movements and the attempt to form an independent and powerful state for Jews in the Middle East.
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
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    Hamidi, Somayyeh, Sharifi, Reza, Farzanehpour, Hosein.(2025) An Analysis of the Reflection of the Theological Narrative of Jewish Messianism in the Field of Politics. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 16(1), 118-137


    Somayyeh Hamidi; Reza Sharifi; Hosein Farzanehpour."An Analysis of the Reflection of the Theological Narrative of Jewish Messianism in the Field of Politics". Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 16, 1, 2025, 118-137


    Hamidi, S, Sharifi, R, Farzanehpour, H.(2025) 'An Analysis of the Reflection of the Theological Narrative of Jewish Messianism in the Field of Politics', Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 16(1), pp. 118-137


    Hamidi, S, Sharifi, R, Farzanehpour, H. An Analysis of the Reflection of the Theological Narrative of Jewish Messianism in the Field of Politics. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2025; 16(1): 118-137