Receive Date: 2025/03/12
Accept Date: 2025/03/12
The historical period of Hellenism, which lasted for three centuries, was formed in Judaism with the domination of Macedonian Alexander over Palestine and other Middle Eastern lands in the fourth century BC. During this period, due to the cultural policy of the Greek rulers, the Greek culture and thoughts penetrated into the various layers of Jewish life and thought. Focusing on the Jewish sources, this paper studies the various dimensions of this influence. Findings show that, The Greek culture had three levels of social, cultural, and theological influences on the Jewish community. Changing the language and compilation of Sabinein's translation are the most important examples of this impact. However, due to the efforts of "Hasidism" and highlighting the "chosenness" doctrine, the Greek culture has declined and beaten around the bush.
چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
Title :بررسی تحلیلی ابعاد و گسترة یونانیمآبی در دورة هلنیسم یهودی
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Saleh , Sayyed Mohammad Hasan, Taheri Akerdi , Mohammad hosein.(2025) An in-depth Analysis of the Dimensions and Scope of the Greek culture in the Period of Jewish Hellenism. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 9(4), 61-78
Sayyed Mohammad Hasan Saleh ; Mohammad hosein Taheri Akerdi ."An in-depth Analysis of the Dimensions and Scope of the Greek culture in the Period of Jewish Hellenism". Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 9, 4, 2025, 61-78
Saleh , S, Taheri Akerdi , M.(2025) 'An in-depth Analysis of the Dimensions and Scope of the Greek culture in the Period of Jewish Hellenism', Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 9(4), pp. 61-78
Saleh , S, Taheri Akerdi , M. An in-depth Analysis of the Dimensions and Scope of the Greek culture in the Period of Jewish Hellenism. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2025; 9(4): 61-78