Ma`rifat-e Adyan, Volume 5, Issue 4, No 20, Year 2025 , Pages 103-122

    A Review of the Second Vatican Council's approach in face of Islam

    Article Type: 
    Morteza Sane’i / Assistant Professor IKI /
    Abstract Investigating the universal Catholic Church's council proves this claim that throughout the history approach of this church to none Christian religions especially Islam has not been flexible. The view of this church to the other religions in refusal of the universal Councils of the first millennium was the silence literature. As in universal councils of the Middle Ages, their literature turned to invasion and obviously Islam and other religions were anathema to them. But nowadays in their new approach and because of multiple political, social, cultural and scientific factors of the church they have changed position on their anti Islamic approach and the second Vatican's Council has become an assembly for reconsideration of the church's functions. Using a descriptive-analysis method this paper seeks to investigate the change of church's approach in the historical periods of universal councils, specially the second Vatican's Council and shows that how the church in the second Vatican has reformed its doctrinal and social basis about Islam and the other religions.
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
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    Sane’i , Morteza, Mollaei, Hadi.(2025) A Review of the Second Vatican Council's approach in face of Islam. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 5(4), 103-122


    Morteza Sane’i ; Hadi Mollaei."A Review of the Second Vatican Council's approach in face of Islam". Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 5, 4, 2025, 103-122


    Sane’i , M, Mollaei, H.(2025) 'A Review of the Second Vatican Council's approach in face of Islam', Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 5(4), pp. 103-122


    Sane’i , M, Mollaei, H. A Review of the Second Vatican Council's approach in face of Islam. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2025; 5(4): 103-122