Ma`rifat-e Adyan, Volume 5, Issue 4, No 20, Year 2025 , Pages 49-66

    Paul's Anthropology in the View of Original Sin

    Article Type: 
    Seyed akbar Hosseini Qal’eh Bahman / Assistant Professor of Department of Religions, IKI /
    ✍️ Seyed Mustafa Hoseini / MA of Religions, IKI /
    Abstract One of the main beliefs of the Christians is the doctrine of the original sin which signifies Adam and Eve's disobedience and taint of their descendants. This doctrine not only contributed to the Christianity but also brought about fundamental changes to the anthropology of Christianity. Paul, one of the outstanding figures in the Christian world, in the frame of introduces his anthropology the doctrine of original sin, which is unique and worth considering. Due to the high status which Paul enjoys in the Christian world, investigating his view about anthropological questions and recognizing the factors behind the views adopted by him maybe considered necessary and important.
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
    Title :انسان شناسی پولس از منظر گناه ذاتی
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    Hosseini Qal’eh Bahman , Seyed akbar, Hoseini, Seyed Mustafa.(2025) Paul's Anthropology in the View of Original Sin. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 5(4), 49-66


    Seyed akbar Hosseini Qal’eh Bahman ; Seyed Mustafa Hoseini."Paul's Anthropology in the View of Original Sin". Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 5, 4, 2025, 49-66


    Hosseini Qal’eh Bahman , S, Hoseini, S.(2025) 'Paul's Anthropology in the View of Original Sin', Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 5(4), pp. 49-66


    Hosseini Qal’eh Bahman , S, Hoseini, S. Paul's Anthropology in the View of Original Sin. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2025; 5(4): 49-66