Ma`rifat-e Adyan, Volume 4, Issue 3, No 15, Year 2025 , Pages 7-16

    An Analysis of the Role of Religion in Society

    Article Type: 
    Homayon / Associate professor of department of religions and comparative mysticism, the college of international relations /
    It is necessary to offer a clear and exact definition of religion in discussing its nature and function. After a period in which one-dimensional definitions of religion were common, researchers of religion resort to multidimensional definition of religion now. Among these definitions, Smart's seven-dimension definition is more acceptable. Sociologists of religion also admit the inefficiency and failure of theories of conventionality of religion and clearly emphasize on sociopolitical function of religion as they elaborate on its various functions. Religion not only gives meaning but also identity and legitimacy, and can play a role in ordering and disciplining the society and even in mental health, education and international relations. The capacity of religions to play each of these roles is not the same and there are clear differences between them. The present paper discusses and analyzes the types of these functions through a philosophical-sociological view.
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
    Title :تحلیل نقش دین در جامعه
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    , Homayon.(2025) An Analysis of the Role of Religion in Society. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 4(3), 7-16


    Homayon ."An Analysis of the Role of Religion in Society". Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 4, 3, 2025, 7-16


    , H.(2025) 'An Analysis of the Role of Religion in Society', Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 4(3), pp. 7-16


    , H. An Analysis of the Role of Religion in Society. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2025; 4(3): 7-16