Receive Date: 2025/03/12
Accept Date: 2025/03/12
Among the important contemporary discourses is the trend of traditionalism which is concerned with "tradition" as a phenomenon with divine origin. Traditionalism holds that every tradition is a manifestation of the sun of guidance and a wave of Truth Sea. Using an analytical-narrative approach, the present paper deals with the way through which we can develop an approach to understanding see whether or not the tradition intended by traditionalists meets the needs of modern man properly. Providing a theoretical framework for understanding the traditionalist trend of the recent century, this paper seeks to study Frithjof Schuon's view called "transcendent unity of religions". This paper is a prelude to the study of trend of contemporary religious thought and is intended to study it to improve religious knowledge and logically confront with questions and challenges which the studies about trends face.
چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
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Cite this article:
ghazi, Reza, Hassani Amoli , Sayed Ali.(2025) A Criticism and Analysis of the Theory of "Transcendent Unity of Religions" with Emphasis on Frithjof Schuon's View. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 4(1), 105-129
Reza ghazi; Sayed Ali Hassani Amoli ."A Criticism and Analysis of the Theory of "Transcendent Unity of Religions" with Emphasis on Frithjof Schuon's View". Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 4, 1, 2025, 105-129
ghazi, R, Hassani Amoli , S.(2025) 'A Criticism and Analysis of the Theory of "Transcendent Unity of Religions" with Emphasis on Frithjof Schuon's View', Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 4(1), pp. 105-129
ghazi, R, Hassani Amoli , S. A Criticism and Analysis of the Theory of "Transcendent Unity of Religions" with Emphasis on Frithjof Schuon's View. Ma`rifat-e Adyan, 2025; 4(1): 105-129