The Holy Quran has not given a complete description about the physical experience of the ascension of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, and most of the spiritual elevation of the Prophet ﷺ and the observations of some divine verses are understood from it; But some narrations, especially in the books of Sunnis, depict the physical experience of the Prophet to the seven heavens through an ink called "Buraq". The quality of Ascension in the language of these narrations is controversial, because first of all, there is no reference to it in the Quran, secondly, the history of these narrations goes back to the third century of Hijri, which is a significant distance from the era of the revelation of the Quran, and finally, traces of some past religious ideas such as Zoroastrianism and Judaism in the content of these narrations can be found. In this article, we will show that the historical environment of hadith narrators could be effective in compiling such hadiths. At the same time, it is checked whether it is possible to accept its influence on a concept like ascension in the form of symbology. In this regard, we try to first describe the approach of the Holy Quran regarding the ascension and the path of the Prophet ﷺ, then we discuss the possibility of the historical and cultural impact of previous views and ideas on the compilers and early narrators of hadiths of the ascension, such as Bukhari. Finally, we will come to the conclusion that some of these interpretive traditions are incompatible with the Qur'an's approach, even though the principle of ascension is certain in both past religions and Islam.