Article data in English (انگلیسی)
A Comparative Investigation in to the Concept and Reality of “Muraqhabah” (Meditation) in Islamic and Buddhist Mysticism
Ja’far Ahmadi / PhD Student of Religions and Comparative Mysticism, IKI JafarAhmadi@anjomedu.ir
Ali Movahediyan Atar/ Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Pardis Farabi, Tehran University
Received: 2015/05/19 - Accepted: 2015/08/26 Dr.Movahedian@ut.ac.ir
In Islamic and Buddhist mysticism, two terms “Muraqhabah” and “Zen” or “Meditation” are of important positions. These two terms are commonly considered as being correspondent with each other and are used in translations as two equivalent terms. But whether these two terms indicate the same thing in two mystical traditions is a question that should be scrutinized. Drawing upon an analytical method and taking a phenomenological approach, this paper deals with the comparative investigation into the concept and reality of “Muraqhabah” in Islamic mysticism and that of “Zen” or “meditation” in Buddhist mysticism. This research shows that these two terms, “Muraqhabah” and “Zen” or “meditation” literally have different meanings. But in terms of terminology, there are differences and similarities between the terms. Also the reality of “Muraqhabah” in Islamic mysticism is human awareness of and attention to God’s knowledge which surrounds him, but in Buddhist mysticism, “Zen” or “meditation” is restraining and quenching the mind in order to receive the reality of objects and being a Buddhi.
Key words: Muraqhabah, Zen (Buddhism) meditation, dhyāna, Islamic mysticism, Buddhist mysticism.
The Methodology of Evangelism
of Christian Sects, Its Effect on Islamic Communities
Morteza Sane’i / Assistant Professor of Religions Department, IKI sanei@qabas.net
Received: 2015/07/28 - Accepted: 2015/12/09
On one hand, the encounter of Christianity with some profound doctrines of Islam, such as mystical-moral doctrines and on the other hand, the cultural, social and political doctrines always have been challenging. The claim of denominative entrance of certain Christian in order to confront with these doctrines is an innovative research which has been dealt with in this paper. Drawing upon an analytical-critical method, this paper, while discussing doctrinal approaches of Christianity seeks to deal with the evaluation of the influence of Christianity’s denominative method upon Islamic communities, and show that in spite of the extend of understanding that these denominations have about Islam and their pervasive studies on various dimensions of Islamic doctrines and that they have mobilized material and spiritual resources, they have not been able to achieve much success in changing the Muslims’ religious beliefs. Although Christianity in some stages of its evangelical missions has made use of mystical and moral approaches adopted by some denominations or orders such as Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians, or of political, social and cultural approaches adopted by some other orders such as Jesuits Carmelites (O.C.D) and Discalced Carmelites or Barefoot Carmelites (O.C.D). But in the late periods of its current life has turned to Evangelical missions in its approach and in this way it has tried to compensate its past failures..
Key words: The methodology of Evangelism, Islamic communities, The Sects of Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians, Jesuits, Carmelites (O.C.D) and Discalced Carmelites or Barefoot Carmelites (O.C.D).
The Issue of Slaughter Narration of Abraham’s
Child (Ishmael) in the Abrahamic Religions
Ahmad Maghari / PhD student of Christian Theology, The University of Religions and Denomination moghri.a@gmail.com
Reza Kazemi Rad / PhD Student of Christian Theology, The University of Religions and Denomination
Mohammad Taqi Ansari por/ Assistant Professor University of Religions and Denomination
Received: 2015/05/07 - Accepted: 2015/10/13
Abraham as the common ancestor of Abrahamic religions is of special position in the religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, while some contemporary intellectuals are of the opinion that the difference between these three religions on Abraham is greater than what they have in common. A review of the interpretations and disputes made about the story of Abraham in the Qur’an and the Bible, particularly before opening the Second Vatican Council and the Catholic Church strong inclination toward dialogues, or rather, interfaith dialogues is a good case in point. In the meantime, the event “the Sacrifice of Abraham” (Abraham’s child sacrifice) is the most pivotal and controversial issues of which different interpretation have been presented in Abrahamic religions and has gained a different center of gravity in any other religious traditions. This paper, by reading the different conceptions which have been done based on the Qur’an’s version ,as well as , biblical narrative of this event, seeks to explore the main theme of the Abraham’s offering his child in Abrahamic religions, and cast a new light on this issue in three religious traditions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
Key words: slaughter, Ibrahim, Isaac, Ishmael, the Qur’an, the Torah, Gofpel.
An Investigation into the Pros and Cons of Icons
in Theological Tradition of Christianity
Mohammad Javad Saeedizadeh \ PhD Student at University of Religions and Denominations
Received: 2015/04/23 - Accepted: 2015/09/09 saeedizade@gmail.com
Although the movement of iconoclasm in its Christian context is specifically related to the history of Byzantine art era, which was formed by order of the emperor Leo III and Constantine V, this movement, by itself, indicates a conflict of thoughts. So, the question is what reasons are suggested by the Christian thinkers and intellectuals in support or rejection of icons? This research aims at providing an intellectual and theological grounding in iconoclasm or icon-making in the tradition of Christianity. The study shows that, throughout the history, the Christian thinkers and theologians have investigated the issue of acceptance or rejection of icons for many different reasons. The threat of emergence of idolatry, difference between image and the original entity, the impossibility of representing the Christ, and sanctions on the Bible are among the reasons that caused some scholar to oppose the icons. In contrast, by resorting to some issues such as distinguishing between the two realms of image and representation, taking notice of the purpose and utility of icons, attribution to God's acts and consideration for representation of individuality of Jesus, the pros came to defend the icons.
Key words: icon, iconoclasm, pros and cons of icons.
The Influences and Criteria of Canonization of the New Testament
Vahid Sattarzadeh / PhD Student at University of Religions and Denominations Vahid.Sattar66@Gmail.com
Ahmad Reza Meftah / Assistant Professor at University of Religions and Denominations
Received: 2015/07/03 - Accepted: 2015/11/16
The early Christians had no holy book except the Jewish Bible. Apostles and Apostolic Fathers wrote down and explained the the teachings of Jesus Christ and early Christian's beliefs. Although their writings were not intended to have a holy property, they gradually gained Authenticity and sanctity. The differences in some texts and also the rise of gnostic writings have caused theological disputes and accordingly the church determined which of these writings are canonical. In the process of canonization, the authentic and Apostolic writings were separated from pseudonymous writings, and the church, used certain criteria to recognize the canonical books of the New Testament. Using historical analysis, this research aims at investigating the influences, context and criteria of canonization. The criteria of canonization include: Apostolicity, orthodoxy, Antiquity, Use, Adaptability with the common belief of the church and inspiration.
Key words: Canonization, The New Testament, Apostolicity, Orthodoxy, Heresy, Gnostics, Inspiration.
A Critique of Traditionalist’s
View about Traditional Art, Sacred Art and Religious Art
Javad Amin Khandaqi \ PhD Student at University of Religions and Denominations a.khandaqi@gmail.com
Syyes Razi Mousavi Gilani \ Assistant Professor at University of Religions and Denominations
Received: 2015/04/26 - Accepted: 2015/10/04
Conventionally, "traditionalism" is as old as human history; because according to traditionalists’ claim, all the great traditions the world over have a common origin. One of the most important issues concerning art with which traditionalists have been concerned is defining and explaining such concepts like "traditional art", "sacred art" and "religious art". It is very important to investigate these concepts in order to understand the traditionalists’ theory about art. Based on content analysis and this documentary study, this paper explains and criticizes these concepts. The results of this study show that sacred art is a part of traditional art which is directly connected with religious rituals. However, due to the differences in form, religious art does not fall in to the province of traditional art. The criticism leveled at traditionalists' view concerning traditional, sacred and religious arts is that it not only brings some difficulties to traditionalists’ theory of art, but also represents a distortion of some of their theoretical foundations.
Key words: traditional art, sacred art, religious art, Traditionalism, tradition.
An Analysis of the Mystical Elements of the Bible
Alireza Kermani / Assistant Professor IKI Kermania59@yahoo.com
Received: 2015/05/26 - Accepted: 2015/10/10
The Bible is one of the sources of Christian mysticism. In the Old Testament, the direct meeting and conversation with God, realization of miracles and, generally, God’s contribution to the human history have been the concern of Christian gnostics since early Christianity. According to the New Testament and Synoptic Gospels, the goal of human’s spiritual journey is reaching the angelic world, and this goal is achieved by means of self-denial and adherence to Jesus Christ. In John’s Gospel, the position of Jesus Christ is clearly highlighted as the path to perfection. In this Gospel, Jesus, Logos is prior to the creation of all creations and is the medium of creation, and human perfection is unattainable without being like him and uniting with him. According to this Gospel, unity with Jesus can be achieved through worship and observance of religious laws. Saint Paul holds that strengthening the position of Jesus Christ, which was given special attention by some mystics who came after him, contributes to the real life of man with regard to union with Jesus. According to him, even observance of religious injunctions and divine law is considered ineffective, and this does not conform with the clear teachings of the Christ.
Key words: Christian Mysticism, The Bible, Jesus Christ, The Kingdom of heaven.