@article { author = {, Ali and mahdavi, Mansor}, title = {نقد و بررسی وحدت متعالی ادیان در گفتمان سنت‌گرایی}, journal = {معرفت ادیان 9، زمستان 1390}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {115-137}, year = {2012}, publisher = {Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute}, issn = {2008-8116}, eissn = {2980-809X}, doi = {}, abstract = {The transcendent unity of religions is one of the components of the discourse of traditionalism, which represents the result of traditionalists' approach towards religions. Relying on such things like diversity of revelations, principle of orthodoxy, difference between the domains of inward dimension and outward one, and internal unity of religions, traditionalists try to brush aside the differences among religions and concentrates on the common ground between them. Consequently, the difference between religions is, to them, superficial and untrue, and all religions unite transcendentally level. Elaborating on the content of the aforementioned principles adopted by traditionalists, the present paper analyzes and criticizes this concept according to the discourse of traditionalism, evaluates traditionalists' views, and assesses their words in the light of Islam and Quranic teachings. }, keywords = {perennial philosophy, religions, diversity of revelations, orthodoxy, differences between outward aspects and inward aspects, internal unity of religions., }, title_fa = {نقد و بررسی وحدت متعالی ادیان در گفتمان سنت‌گرایی}, abstract_fa ={وحدت متعالي اديان، از جمله مؤلفه‌هاي گفتمان سنت‌گرايي است كه به‌نوعي حاصل رويكرد آنان را به اديان نشان مي‌دهد. سنت‌گرايان با تكيه بر تنوع ضروري وحي‌ها، اصل راست‌آييني، تمايز قلمرو ظاهر و باطن و وحدت دروني اديان مي‌كوشند وجوه اختلافي ميان اديان را كنار زده، به گوهر مشترك ميان آنها دست يابند. از اين منظر، اختلاف ميان اديان، سطحي و ظاهري است و همه‌ی اديان در سطحي متعالي به وحدت مي‌رسند. مقاله‌ی حاضر پس از تشريح محتواي اصول ياد شده از نظر سنت‌گرايان، به نقد و بررسي اين مفهوم در گفتمان سنت‌گرايي مي‌پردازد.}, keywords_fa = {ادیان ,حکمت خالده ,تنوع وحی‌ها ,راست‌اندیشی ,تمایز ظاهر و باطن ,وحدت درونی ادیان ,}, url = {https://marefateadyan.nashriyat.ir/node/97}, eprint = {https://marefateadyan.nashriyat.ir/sites/marefateadyan.nashriyat.ir/files/article-files/6_1.pdf} }